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GRPC vs REST: Who Should Bet On Which Technology to Use for Your Application?

Today, APIs play a significant role in the software development process (Application Programming Interfaces). A set of codes known as an API enables two or more pieces of software to communicate with one another. By making the software development process less complex, APIs can streamline and accelerate it. Developers can also use APIs to incorporate features from other programmes into their already-existing solutions. They are spared dealing with the source code and attempting to understand how the other solution operates. Simply put, they connect their programme to another. In other words, APIs serve as an abstraction layer that hides the complexity and specifics of how two systems interact.

REST (Representational State Transfer)

It is a style of software architecture used by programmers to create Web APIs. You can use the REST APIs to develop straightforward and consistent interfaces that make data and digital assets accessible via a web address. In addition to REST, gRPC is another well-liked API design style. In order to improve the speed of data transfer between microservices and other systems, Google developed gRPC as an enhancement of the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) structure. With its lightweight messaging format, gRPC employs the Protobuf (protocol buffer) to get around speed and weight restrictions and offers improved efficiency. The debate between gRPC and REST API has grown in popularity as a result of these 2 paradigms.

The purpose of this article is to introduce gRPC and REST and its protocols.

What is REST?

To create APIs, the HTTP protocol is used in the REST architectural model. The JSON or XML message formats are used by the REST APIs to transmit the client’s backend data response. Any service that incorporates microservice applications can be made available to the client as a resource thanks to REST APIs. The GET, DELETE, POST, and PUT HTTP commands are among those that the client can use to access it.

These days, most programmers who work on RCP projects also borrow some concepts from HTTP while preserving the RCP architecture. No of the paradigm chosen, most current developers map APIs to the same HTTP protocol (RPC or REST).


How does REST work?

REST is a term for an architectural style that uses HTTP as the default communication protocol when working with resources that are specified in an API. A resource is a thing that is comparable to an object in object-oriented programming.

A RESTful resource has actions and properties, much like an object. In general, REST implementations tend to give less thought to RESTful actions and instead concentrate more on the attributes of a resource. RESTful implementations are those that just use attributes to describe a RESTful resource.

What is gRPC?

The Google Remote Procedure Call (gRPC) architecture is a development of the RCP architecture. The HTTP 2.0 protocol is used in this technology’s implementation of an RPC API, although neither the API developer nor the server can see HTTP. As a result, a high level of abstraction spares the user from having to worry about translating RPC notions into HTTP.

The gRPC model improves the speed of data transfer between microservices. It chooses a service, specifies techniques, the limits that permit remote calls, and the kinds of returns. Additionally, it uses an Interface Description Language (IDL) to specify the API RPC model, making it easier to determine operations remotely.

How does gRPC work?

The goal of the gRPC is to provide quick and effective communication between a source and target. It is based on the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) architecture, in which a source calls a preset procedure on the target, typically an endpoint, through the use of an RPC call.

A specification file defines both the method and the messages that are sent to it. The specification file in gRPC has the suffix.proto.

GRPC vs REST: Which One is Right for You?

1 .The gRPC paradigm specifies a.proto file that contains a set of guidelines for data exchange that both the client and the server must adhere to. The gRPC compiler provides built-in ability to generate code. It can integrate numerous services using different languages and platforms and is compatible with a number of computer languages. Overall, the SDK creation process is made simple by the built-in code generator (Software Development Kits).

REST, on the other hand, builds Web APIs according to an established set of rules without imposing any restrictions. Furthermore, the REST API lacks built-in code generating tools. This indicates that to produce code for API queries, developers must use a third-party tool like Swagger.

Therefore, give the REST model a try if you’re having trouble deciding between gRPC and REST and want to work on a model with less limitations. If you’re looking for functionality like built-in code creation, you can use the gRPC model.

2. Since most Web API communication occurs online, browser support is a key consideration in the gRPC vs. REST debate.

Only a small number of browsers support the HTTP/2 protocol, which is how the gRPC works. Because of this, gRPCweb needs a proxy layer to transform it into HTTP/2. gRPC is exclusively used for internal services due to the poor browser support. Moreover, multiplexed streams are used with the HTTP / 2 protocol. As a result, requests can be sent in parallel by multiple clients without needing to open a new TCP connection for each one. Additionally, the server can use the established connection to push notifications to clients.

The REST model is supported by all browsers because it integrates HTTP 1.1. HTTP 1.1, which REST implements, uses a TCP handshaking method for each request. REST APIs frequently experience latency problems as a result because the handshake takes time.

3. The Protocol Buffer is used by the gRPC APIs to serialise their payload. By enabling data compression, this approach shortens the message transmission time. Additionally, its Protocol Buffer can quickly translate heavily typed messages into programming language that is understandable by both clients and servers.

Data is transferred using JSON or XML forms over REST APIs. With JSON, you may convey dynamic data without worrying about adhering to a predetermined structure. In addition, JSON has a higher level of human readability than the majority of other data formats. The JSON data is changed during transmission by the REST API to conform to the programming languages used on the client and server sides. Your transmission suffers as a result, becoming slower and more prone to mistakes.

4. In contrast to gRPC, which employs protocol buffers, REST APIs typically use JSON or XML message formats. REST APIs employ HTTP status codes while gRPC uses error codes to indicate problems. Compared to REST APIs, gRPC often has much reduced message sizes.

Final Conclusion

The debate between gRPC and REST is now over. By taking into account the 3 factors mentioned above, you may choose which model best fits your needs.

Appropriate application development is guaranteed by API and its effective use. But the most important factor is picking the right API. In the area of APIs, two fierce competitors are REST and gRPC. Each one has a unique set of benefits, attributes, and shortcomings. The goal of development must be determined initially, and it must then be in line with the demands of the API providing.


REST API, for instance, is a fantastic option for using static data, whereas gRPC deals with updated and moving data. You can make a wise choice thanks to the above-detailed comparison of gRPC and rest.


Is gRPC better than REST?

gRPC and REST serve different purposes, and the choice depends on the specific requirements of the application. gRPC offers advantages in terms of performance, scalability, and support for multiple programming languages. REST, on the other hand, is more widely adopted and simpler to implement in many cases.

Is gRPC faster than REST?

gRPC is generally faster than REST due to its efficient binary protocol and support for HTTP/2. However, the performance difference may vary depending on the specific use case and network conditions.

What is the difference between gRPC API and REST API?

The main difference lies in the underlying communication protocol and data serialization format. gRPC uses a binary protocol and supports Protocol Buffers for data serialization, while REST uses textual protocols like JSON or XML.

What is gRPC full form?

gRPC stands for "Google Remote Procedure Call." It is an open-source framework developed by Google for building efficient and scalable distributed systems.

Is gRPC stateful or stateless?

gRPC is generally stateless, meaning that each request-response cycle is independent and does not rely on previous interactions. However, gRPC does provide support for bidirectional streaming, which allows for long-lived connections and maintaining state within the connection.

Is gRPC better than WebSocket?

gRPC and WebSocket serve different purposes. gRPC is primarily used for remote procedure calls and building efficient APIs, while WebSocket is a communication protocol for real-time, bidirectional communication. The choice between the two depends on the specific requirements of the application.

What is the main difference between gRPC and REST?

The main difference lies in the communication protocol and data serialization format. gRPC uses a binary protocol and supports Protocol Buffers for efficient data serialization, while REST uses textual protocols like JSON or XML.

Does gRPC support all programming languages that REST does?

gRPC supports a wide range of programming languages, including popular options like C++, Java, Python, Go, and more. However, the language support for gRPC may not be as extensive as that of REST due to REST's wide adoption and maturity.

Can gRPC and REST APIs coexist in the same system?

Yes, gRPC and REST APIs can coexist in the same system. It is common to have a mix of APIs based on different protocols to cater to different use cases or client requirements within a system.

Which protocol is more suitable for mobile applications, gRPC, or REST?

Both gRPC and REST can be used in mobile applications, but REST is more commonly used due to its simplicity and compatibility with existing mobile frameworks and libraries. REST's support for JSON, which is widely supported in mobile platforms, makes it a popular choice for mobile app development.

Does gRPC offer better support for streaming and real-time communication compared to REST?

Yes, gRPC offers better support for streaming and real-time communication compared to REST. gRPC supports bidirectional streaming, allowing the client and server to send multiple messages over a single connection simultaneously. This makes gRPC well-suited for real-time applications such as chat systems or live data streaming.

Is gRPC suitable for public-facing APIs and client-server communication over the internet?

gRPC can be used for public-facing APIs and client-server communication over the internet. However, it may require additional considerations such as security, firewall configurations, and support for HTTP/2 by the client and server infrastructure.

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